we are located in the beautiful historic
                                                            downtown section of Miamisburg, Ohio


                                                               The family of St. Jacob is dedicated in
                                                                  love to sharing the gospel of Christ
                                                                              with our neighbors!!!



    We are still celebrating Joe Hout’s graduation from Hood seminary.  Joe even received a special academic award at graduation!!!  Congratulations Pastor Joe.  He serves Salem Methodist in Reidsville, North Carolina and St. John Methodist in Eden, North Carolina.  They are two very nice congregations.  Pastor Hout (Mike the father) knows because he has visited Pastor Hout (Joe the son) and these congregations on several occasions.  Pastor Joe Hout is happy you have found this message and sends out a big “Hello”€ť and “Happy June”€ť to all who are reading this.  The younger Hout loves people and loves sharing the good news.  He also loves to sing and play guitar.  He has done a lot to connect with the local neighborhood by visiting people and even having a juggling class.  Now he has a new set of chimes and is sharing them with his congregations and his community.

    They would love for you to visit them and join them in a worship service.  Salem meets at 9:15 and St. John has worship at 11:00.  Salem UM is at 2020 Wentworth Street in Reidsville and St. John UM is at 1112 Center Church Rd. in Eden.

    Contact information:

    St. John UM - 336-627-1286
    1112 Center Church Rd.
    Eden, NC  27288

    Salem UM - 336-627-1286
    2020 Wentworth Street
    Reidsville, NC  27320

    A good prayer for today: Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful redeemer, for the countless blessings and benefits you give.  May we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day praising you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.


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